Zero Waste Festival Berlin (ZWBF 2020)
Circular economy is a critical component of future sustainability planning. This ZWBF event aims to inform and connect stakeholders from all sides of the sustainability domain. The ZWBF team has held events about plastic waste, a zero waste life, zero waste tips, sustainable traveling, and zero waste fashion.
For this event, I hosted a workshop informing participants from all target groups about the nuances of consumerism in a future CE world- with attention to political activism as key to driving effective change.
I was also requested to be on a panel where the impact of a pandemic on sustainable mobility were discussed. Among other events, I also moderated an informative talk on the future of cities as hubs for a zero waste economy.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Simulation Conference (ASIM 2020)
Building renovation plays a huge role in reducing CO2 emissions and energy demand. To understand the effects of different renovation strategies, expert users and decision makers need to explore renovation scenarios both spatially and temporally. The now finished GEWISS project aims to do this by providing a GIS (Geographical Information System) to visualise energy demand per building as well as an interface to simulate possible renovation paths to its users.
I wrote a white paper for this conference, in which we present a novel proposal. We simulated future renovation paths by utilising different user scenarios, containing multiple selection criteria to rank current building stock. We also consequently used optimisation to pass them through the user selected renovation strategy in the most optimal way.